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Letting sunlight into your home can create a beautiful and natural environment. However, the sun doesn't always hit at the right spot and can create annoying glares and headache inducing beams. When this happens, quality window treatments can give you relief while adding to how pleasant your home looks.

Honeycomb Shades

If you like bold styles, honeycomb shades may be the perfect choice for you. They are a fresh breath of air from regular blinds and can provide great insulation for whatever room they are installed in.


If you have a patio, vertical blinds can be a good addition to provide some shade and privacy in your home. These are very easy to use and can be slid back when you want to get some sunlight and warmth in your home.

Mini Blinds

Mini blinds are a popular choice in all rooms of the house since they are easy to use and can be raised up when you wish to get air and sunlight. Prospects Flooring LLC has many different types and choices to fit every budget.

Wood Blinds

The natural beauty of Wood blinds bring an unmatched style and warmth to rooms in your home. Wood Blinds are also handy for those requiring total privacy in their home. 


Provide a sophisticated appeal to your home with Duette blinds. From kitchens to bathrooms, and living rooms to bedrooms, Duettes can help provide a sleek look to each room.  

Get the hardwood flooring of your dreams: (203) 758-4207

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